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作者:奇锐涂料 来源: 日期:2017-3-21 10:23:14

  摘要:水性氟碳涂料的研发解决外墙问题的一大难题不同的树脂标准为进一步提升产品性能有了很广泛的使用价值。那么,氟碳油漆和水性产品的再升级究竟有多少种的系列要求呢?它们的特性区别和具体实用价值在哪儿 ?

  Abstract: the development of waterborne fluorocarbon coatings to solve the problem of the external wall of a major problem of different resin standards to further enhance the performance of the product has a wide range of value. So, fluorocarbon paint and water-based products to upgrade how many kinds of requirements? What are their characteristics and practical value?



  First of all, the two are actually two kinds of fluorocarbon resin composition. The performance of waterborne fluorocarbon coatings is mainly manifested in the performance of environmental protection. The characteristics of water thinner, it highlights the cleanliness of the protection of a more aura. That is to say, the durability of fluorocarbon paint products to clean itself has become one of the characteristics of waterborne fluorocarbon paint diluted with water features more environmentally friendly, so waterborne fluorocarbon coating is more become the advocate environmental protection products.


  Fluorocarbon paint, by contrast, requires thinner. In the blend under the weather, thinners, anti pollution, corrosion, rust and other high decorative film has become a major characteristic of chemical properties, in this composition, dense and its performance is very good, anti permeability is much stronger. Can effectively prevent moisture, carbon dioxide penetration and the erosion of harmful substances, so as to achieve the corrosion resistance of metal materials and life expectancy



  There are many kinds of waterborne fluorocarbon paint series, underground building protection, external wall imitation metal fluorocarbon paint, fluorocarbon paint, even in the ancient building renovation of the old wall, bridge and other environments, the choice of time mostly choose water-based fluorocarbon paint. According to the difference of environment construction to have the distinction between high light, matte, the usage is very high.


  The performance characteristics of fluorocarbon paint is different from the water, so the use of tile house top, road light pole protection, anti aluminum diaphragm, and steel structure of ancient building decorative wall effect, rust protection is very convenient.


  Therefore, the comparison between the two. Although the products are based on the composition of fluorocarbon resin resin. In fact, generally have the same performance in the use of value, but because the formula is different, so of course, will have their own advantages.
